Help a child today . . . Rescue more children tomorrow

Help a child today….

Sponsor a Child

Your gift of $35 a month can sponsor one of our children - giving them the safety, love and education they need so they can focus on healing and dream of their future . . . a future of hope through Jesus Christ.

Rescue more children tomorrow….

Build for Tomorrow

We’re ready to do more by expanding our children’s home . . . improving the infrastructure, constructing more housing and classrooms, and adding more staff, so we can give the hope of Christ to more children. 

Mail your check

New Road Missions, Inc.

PO Box 2166

Southampton, NJ 08088

Non Cash Gifts

We also accept non-cash-gifts, and gifts through donor advised funds.

Please call 561 203 5303 to discuss these options.

New Road Missions - where every penny has a purpose, every donor makes a difference, every trip is life changing, and every child matters.